Daniel Craig is back in the 22nd installment of the James Bond series, Quantum of Solace. The story is an action packed tale of revenge, resolution and just plain kicking ass. Quantum of Solace is not necessarily a sequel per say, but a continuation of Casino Royale. The 2 movies create one big movie that […]
Posts Tagged ‘James Bond’
Quantum of Solace: Bond Kicks Ass
Posted: 17th November 2008 by Luc "Sandman" G. in MoviesTags: Casino Royale, James Bond, Quantum, Quantum of Solace, SPECTRE
Indiana Jones Is Back
Posted: 27th May 2008 by Luc "Sandman" G. in Entertainment, MoviesTags: Harrison Ford, Indiana Jones, Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull, Indiana Jones franchise, James Bond, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Lost Ark, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Shia Labeouf, Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones is back, and he’s as good as he ever was. Its been 19 years since we last saw a new Indy movie on the big screen, and it has been wait has been worth it. He may be a little older and a little wiser, but he’s not too old to still kick […]