Posts Tagged ‘Nine Inch Nails’

Wow, its mindblowing to think how fast the last decade flew by. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was busy updating thousands of router configs to combat the Y2K bug. Hard to believe that this was 10 years ago already. Like many sites out there, I felt compelled to come up with […]

On Tuesday November 11th 2008, Nine Inch Nails descended upon Ottawa and brought their long awaited Lights In The Sky tour to the nation capital’s masses. For almost 2 and a half hours, Trent Reznor and his touring band laid down a visual and auditory assault on 6000 fans. Ottawa fans had waited a long […]

1,000,000 Live

Posted: 23rd June 2008 by Luc "Sandman" G. in Music

1,000,000 performed live by Nine Inch Nails at a rehearsal for the upcoming tour. I hope NiN comes to Ottawa this tour, seeing how they had to cancel the last appearance due to Trent Reznor having a very bad cold. Day 5 of the Honeymoon Diaries will be up sometime today.

Another week, another few snowfalls. We’ve had like 10 feet of snow fall this winter, with another 1-2 feet being announced for this weekend alone. This is getting ridiculous. Any more snow, and I might have to start piling it up in my garage as I’m running out of room! It’s just crazy! I’ve been […]

Man o man, do weekends go buy way too quickly. You blink and boom, there they went. 3 day weekends every week? I could go for that! On Saturday we went and saw my nieces perform their yearly skating recital. Due to some very crappy parking (or lack of), we ended up missing their part […]