Posts Tagged ‘Sens wallpaper’

With less than 10 hours to spare, I managed to finish the Ottawa Senators March 2009 desktop calendar/wallpaper.

There’s only a couple of weeks left in January (my how time flies!), so its time for a new Ottawa Senators desktop wallpaper calendar to make an appearance! Below is my new Sens desktop wallpaper for the month of February. If you like it and will be using this calendar, don’t hesitate and drop me […]

I’ve finally put the finishing touches on the Ottawa Senators January 2009 desktop wallpaper calendar.

The November Sens calendar wallpaper is finally finished after modifying it quite a few times. I hope you enjoy it! If there’s a need for any different sizes not shown here, please let me know via a comment to this post, and I’ll see what I can do.

I wasn’t happy with the previous wallpaper I made for the Sens schedule, as it was a rush job. I’m definitely happier with this new one. This is a wallpaper that includes the October schedule only. I’ll be releasing one for every month of the 2008-2009 hockey season (with time permitting). Doubleclick on the thumbnails […]