Archive for March, 2008

Weekday Blahs.

Posted: 29th March 2008 by Luc "Sandman" G. in Life
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This week was pretty uneventful, which is a nice change of pace. I spent 3 days on course for work, for which the 90% of the the subject matter didn’t relate at all to what I do. Regardless, it was one of the most interesting work related courses that I’ve taken, mostly due to the […]

R.I.P. 2007-2008 Maple Leafs

Posted: 28th March 2008 by Luc "Sandman" G. in Hockey

It’s been a few days since I last updated my blog, and I promise that I’ll be posting an update soon. In the meantime, why don’t you enjoy a Toronto Maple Leafs tribute video that I just created. [youtube KC7WaMxlNt0 RIP 2007-2008 Maple Leafs]

How I met 3 Ottawa Senators

Posted: 19th March 2008 by Luc "Sandman" G. in Hockey, Life
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Last night I took 2 of my nieces to meet Antoine Vermette, Chris Kelly and Chris Phillips from the Ottawa Senators. All 3 players were at a local car dealership signing autographs. It was the first time I ever met any Sens players and it was pretty cool. We got there a little late, but […]

For the last few days the sun has been out, the snow has been melting, the icicles have been dripping. Its been nice and I hope it keeps on going like this. Its not melting too fast as to cause flooding. The house has been a nice 24C degrees in the afternoon when the sun […]

links for 2008-03-17

Posted: 17th March 2008 by Luc "Sandman" G. in Links

YouTube – Unbelievable Hockey Fight Ahh, I remember this game. It was insane! (tags: hockeyfights OttawaSenators PhiladelphiaFlyers) 1001 Free Fonts – Free Fonts For PC, Free Fonts For Mac (tags: freefonts) Mastering Your WordPress Theme Hacks and Techniques (tags: wordpresshacks) 10 Linux commands youve never used (tags: linuxcommands) Hack Attack: Add music and movies to […]