2009 Stanley Cup Playoffs: Round 2

Posted: 28th April 2009 by Luc "Sandman" G. in Hockey


My 2009 Stanley Cup Predictions – 1st round results:

Easter Conference

NY Rangers vs Washington: Washington in 7 Actual: Washington in 7
Philadelphia vs Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh in 6 Actual: Pittsburgh in 6
Carolina vs New Jersey: New Jersey in 5 Actual: Carolina in 7
Boston vs Montreal: Boston in 5 Actual: Boston in 4

Western Conference

St-Louis vs Vancouver: Vancouver in 5 Actual: Vancouver in 4
Columbus vs Detroit: Detroit in 6 Actual: Detroit in 4
Calgary vs Chicago: Calgary in 7 Actual: Chicago in 6
Anaheim vs San Jose: San Jose in 7 Actual: Anaheim in 6

I didn’t do too badly. 2 series I called 100%. Called 5 out of 8 winners.
The biggest surprise has been Anaheim. I never would have expected them to beat San Jose.
The biggest disappointment has been Calgary losing to Chicago.
The biggest happy happy joy joy series was Boston sweeping Montreal in 4.

Now here are my predictions for the 2nd round:

Washington vs Pittsburgh: Washington in 6
Boston vs Carolina: Boston in 5
Anaheim vs Detroit: Anaheim in 7
Vancouver vs Chicago: Vancouver in 6

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