Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

Weekday Blahs.

Posted: 29th March 2008 by Luc "Sandman" G. in Life
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This week was pretty uneventful, which is a nice change of pace. I spent 3 days on course for work, for which the 90% of the the subject matter didn’t relate at all to what I do. Regardless, it was one of the most interesting work related courses that I’ve taken, mostly due to the […]

How I met 3 Ottawa Senators

Posted: 19th March 2008 by Luc "Sandman" G. in Hockey, Life
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Last night I took 2 of my nieces to meet Antoine Vermette, Chris Kelly and Chris Phillips from the Ottawa Senators. All 3 players were at a local car dealership signing autographs. It was the first time I ever met any Sens players and it was pretty cool. We got there a little late, but […]

For the last few days the sun has been out, the snow has been melting, the icicles have been dripping. Its been nice and I hope it keeps on going like this. Its not melting too fast as to cause flooding. The house has been a nice 24C degrees in the afternoon when the sun […]

s”NO”w Fun Part Deux

Posted: 11th March 2008 by Luc "Sandman" G. in Games, Hockey, Life, Television

This weekend was pure white crystal hell. 30 centimeters of snow fell on Saturday. The snowfall was pretty steady during the day so we were able to go out twice to shovel this pure white crap. There’s certainly no need to join a gym this winter if you’re in Ottawa, as you just need to […]

Another week, another few snowfalls. We’ve had like 10 feet of snow fall this winter, with another 1-2 feet being announced for this weekend alone. This is getting ridiculous. Any more snow, and I might have to start piling it up in my garage as I’m running out of room! It’s just crazy! I’ve been […]