Archive for the ‘Hockey’ Category

Below you’ll find my December 2009 Ottawa Senators desktop calendar. Hope you enjoy it! Note: If you’re unsure what your screen resolution is, follow these steps to ensure you’re downloading the correct background: Windows: Right click any blank area of your desktop and click on Properties. Go to the Settings tab. Screen Resolution is listed […]

The Ottawa Senators November 2009 Desktop calendar/wallpaper is now available for consumption! As usual, thank yous are welcome, and please don’t post the images elsewhere. If you must, please make sure you post a link back to this page. Thanks and Enjoy! Note: If you’re unsure what your screen resolution is, follow these steps to […]

Due to popular demand, I am again creating Ottawa Senators desktop calendars for this hockey season. First up is a new calendar for October 2009. Enjoy! A small thank you comment is appreciated if you are/will be using my desktop calendars.

Wonderful Wife Wins Sens Tickets

Posted: 28th September 2009 by Luc "Sandman" G. in Hockey, Life
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Not only am I lucky that I have a loving wife who loves hockey and football as much as I do, her knowledge of hockey won her pairs of tickets to 3 Ottawa Senators games this morning! She called in to TGOR on Team 1200 and won the tickets and a hat. They’re a great […]

Dany Heatley has been traded to the Montreal Canadiens! We finally got rid of the bum! I heard from a reliable source that Heatley was traded to the Habs, and in return the Sens will get Kirk Muller and BoB Gainey, who are expected to come out of retirement and lace up their skates once […]