Archive for the ‘Hockey’ Category

The Ottawa Senators were first out of the gate today, the last day of trading for the 2008-2009 NHL season. Our hometown Sens sent the much beloved Vermette to the Columbus Blue Jackets in exchange for goaltender Pascal Leclaire and a 2nd round draft pick. I am sad to see Vermette go. He was a […]

With less than 10 hours to spare, I managed to finish the Ottawa Senators March 2009 desktop calendar/wallpaper.

rapid-fire (rap′id fÄ«r′) adjective done, delivered, proceeding, or carried on swiftly and sharply Finally, a world war movie that shows the Canadian point of view. A powerful film about the sacrifice made by Canadian soldiers during World War I. Written by and starring Paul Gross (of Due South fame), who based the story on war […]

There’s only a couple of weeks left in January (my how time flies!), so its time for a new Ottawa Senators desktop wallpaper calendar to make an appearance! Below is my new Sens desktop wallpaper for the month of February. If you like it and will be using this calendar, don’t hesitate and drop me […]

What is wrong with the Ottawa Senators? That’s a question that’s asked thousands of times every day since the start of this season. A team with this much talent should not currently be 27th in the league. So what exactly is happening to our beloved Sens? Pinpointing one problem is impossible. There’s multiple issues affecting […]